…a little child will lead them
June 1, 2021 Ever feel like young people all have their faces buried in video games
or are poking on their phones instead of communicating with people
around them in real life? Sometimes it seems so to me.
Well, my
art-filled weekend was a refreshing refutation of that notion. I found
myself last Thursday evening at the First Thursday Art Walk in Laguna
Beach at Townley Gallery. I go there each First Thursday to meet and
greet the crowds of people who congregate to look at the newest art on
the Pacific Coast Highway. Townley Gallery was jammed with people! Why? Mainly because they had come to see the works of 12-year-old
Charles Gitnick, a young man passionate about painting and also about
finding a way to stop the senseless shootings which are riveting our
country. Most recently we were saddened by those lost on the campus in
Santa Barbara. That really hit close to my heart as one of my former
art students, on campus during the shootings, is now home, safe, but
saddened by the loss of classmates. Charles Gitnick creates mixed media
paintings that have actual gun models of various kinds embedded in or
on the canvas, more or less hidden within abstract designs, symbolizing
his hope that one day the only place we’ll see such arms of potential
tragedy is in an art gallery covered with abstract color, and a mere
item of curiosity. I recall the words “…a little child will lead
them.” Charles’ voice may be that of a child, but a voice with strength
that belies his age. May we join our voices with his that a way can be
found to stop the killings. Got any thoughts on how we could do this
through art? Hope to hear from you all. Hugs, Elizabeth